📊📈📊 Sorry for being so busy as of late -- it's just my FT job really sometimes is QUITE demanding 😖😖😖 it's that lov… https://t.co/zd2mTEMqun
😭😭😭 After hearing the news tonight, I hope those that read this can join me in saying that our hearts and prayers g… https://t.co/WHIAEYadTR
😷😷😷 Pushed myself a tad too hard this week and ended up sick...for those who were part of my Let's Go Giveaway, I'l… https://t.co/HLalSGA4aH
💛💛💛 HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!! Sorry for being so inactive, but between life and this new little GEM I've been workin… https://t.co/F4IY7tm8x5
🐷🐷🐷 HAPPY YEAR OF THE PIGGY!!! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) I'm not gone and I'm not dead, just working on something 'white and… https://t.co/ErFhi6i8kH
🤔🤔🤔 My Pikachu and I have been suuuuper busy making things...any guesses to what it might be? . (* ^ ω ^) Donate So… https://t.co/Nx76zMSRzG
🐈🐈🐈 Meow Monday (=^-ω-^=) My buddy pupperchu sent this to me a few days ago and it made me smile...I hope you al… https://t.co/NSFIA3JDsS
❔❔❔ Who remembers Shadow Lugia?! Over on my design account, GX Projext , one of our community members posted their… https://t.co/goNzZMl5xn
❔❔❔ Who remembers Shadow Lugia?! Over on my design account, @gxprojext , one of our community members posted their… https://t.co/b1ksSMYLpX
💟💟💟 From a post I saw on @pokemythx sent to me by a friend...I thought this was too cute NOT to create (╯︵╰,) ...… https://t.co/Pt7tpTPdWc